Even before a house can be painted, the surfaces need to be cleaned and prepped. Pressure washing is frequently a dependable means to meticulously cleanse your home’s exterior to prepare it for fresh paint. But just because your neighbor took out a pressure washer and went to town on his residential property does not mean you must follow suit. Know the threats of pressure washing your residential property, and find out how to make sure it’s done right.
Threats of Pressure Washing Your Residential Property
Although many people frequently make use of pressure washers on their homes, there are surprising hazards in the method.
When water is blasted at pressures too strong, it can get into your wall structures and your residence. Your residential property is developed to endure rain and other moisture, and it can even hold up against a reduced PSI with a pressure washer, yet when pressure washers are put to use at complete capacity, you may end up with soggy carpet, soaked attics, and mildew. When done inaccurately, a pressure washer can harm exterior siding, even knocking it loose. The mortar on brick properties can absolutely be blasted away, also, if the individual does not recognize what she or he is doing.
In inexperienced hands, the pressure washer can tear up window screens, trigger leaking in window seals, and more. It can take away paint, and if you were merely intending on washing your residential property, you’ll now be dealt with repainting too.
Rewards of Pressure Washing Your Residence
With all those problems, you might possibly be asking yourself why you should even think about pressure washing your property. However, in the right hands, pressure washing might be extremely worthwhile to your residential property. When utilized at the correct levels, pressure washing can clean your property of grime, soil, and unpleasant discolorations. This strengthens curb appeal, and additionally simply makes you happy to come home to your breathtaking residence.
When done right, pressure washing is a beneficial part of household maintenance that keeps your household in great shape while eliminating bigger difficulties down the road. Pressure washing removes mold and mildew, which are damaging to both your household and the health of your family members. When mildew and mold go unattended, they continue to cultivate– and mold can grow within walls, suggesting your property’s interior could be altered.
When done by a pro, pressure washing is a valuable step in preparing your home’s surfaces to be repainted.
Leave It To The Experts
Pressure washing is beneficial, but only when done appropriately. To do it right, you have to have an understanding of how it impacts different materials, how those materials react to pressure, what to do in unforeseen scenarios, and more. Because of this, you ought to just pressure wash your residential property if you’ve employed a certified, professional specialist who cleans with low pressure.
Lions Share Maintenance is a certified, professional licensed contractor with the knowledge to get rid of mildew, dirt, and discolorations from the exterior of your home. We take pride in our work, and it shows. Call us at 651-330-2810, or consult with us online for a cost-free estimate.